
8 Results / Page 1 of 1



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Ransomware + Cyber security + Cybercrime Nucleon Security

Nucleon Security présenté comme l'une des meilleures solutions EDR

Recently, Nucleon Security was featured as one of the best endpoint protection solution providers! For that, we want to thank  Cybernews Team - an online resource packed with breaking news, product reviews, exclusive interviews, and tips. You can check the endpoint protection top picks here or the best VPN for [...]


  • 2034
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Cybersécurité + Cybercrime + Ransomware + Threat Antoine Botte

Avez-vous besoin d’un EDR ? les 10 question à se poser.

The offer of cybersecurity solutions and in particular endpoint protection is increasingly abundant. Each publisher offers new approaches according to its vision of actual trending threat. These solutions are then categorized by analyst firms such as Gartner, Forrester or KuppingerCole. It is increasingly difficult to judge the relevance of a [...]


  • 1612
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Threat + Ransomware + Cyber security Sébastien Guisnet

Qu’est-ce que le Machine Learning et le Multi-Layer Zero-Trust et pourquoi les utiliser dans un EDR ?

Machine Learning and Multi-Layer Zero Trust, the winning combo for an efficient EDR. You’re maybe searching for your EDR (Endpoint Detection and Response). During the research of the perfect data and endpoints protection software, you may read a lot of scientific and abstract terms. In this article, we’ll uncover information ...

remediation and rollback your data after an attack


  • 1619
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Actualités Nucleon Security + Ransomware + Cyber security Antoine Botte

Rollback and Remediation against Hakbit Ransomware

Ransomwares are still the most widespread cyberattacks targeting corporate data. That’s why in addition of the Multi-Layer Zero-Trust implementation in Nucleon Smart Endpoint EDR, we now release new post-exploitation features. In this article we will demonstrate our rollback and remediation features against Hakbit ransomware. The goal is to reduce the ...


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Ransomware + Cyber security Sébastien Guisnet

Living Off the Land or Filleless Attacks

What are Living off the land or Filleless attacks and why is it a real Cybersecurity issue? The different appellations  Targeted and non-targeted cyberattacks use different operating methods to achieve their ends. Among these operating modes we find attacks without files. These can have several names: fileless attacks zero-footprint attacks non-malware attacks [...]
Protection of industries from cyberattacks


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Cybersécurité + Ransomware Antoine Botte

Cybersecurity challenges in the industrial sector

What are the new cybersecurity challenges facing manufacturers and how to mitigate the risks? Until today, manufacturers had two different IT work plans. The “classic” computer network, with servers and workstations connected to the Internet; and the production computer network, more isolated with equipment specific to industrial systems, machines rarely [...]

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