
3 Results / Page 1 of 1



  • 2007
  • 2

Cybersécurité + Cybercrime + Ransomware + Threat Antoine Botte

Avez-vous besoin d’un EDR ? les 10 question à se poser.

The offer of cybersecurity solutions and in particular endpoint protection is increasingly abundant. Each publisher offers new approaches according to its vision of actual trending threat. These solutions are then categorized by analyst firms such as Gartner, Forrester or KuppingerCole. It is increasingly difficult to judge the relevance of a [...]


  • 1596
  • 2

Cybersécurité + Ransomware + Threat Sébastien Guisnet

Qu’est-ce que le Machine Learning et le Multi-Layer Zero-Trust et pourquoi les utiliser dans un EDR ?

Machine Learning and Multi-Layer Zero Trust, the winning combo for an efficient EDR. You’re maybe searching for your EDR (Endpoint Detection and Response). During the research of the perfect data and endpoints protection software, you may read a lot of scientific and abstract terms. In this article, we’ll uncover information ...


  • 4889
  • 5

Cybersécurité + Malware + CTI + Threat Nucleon Security

What is Threat Hunting and how it can benefit your organisation?

What is threat hunting and why we need it now ? Threat hunting designates all the activities conducted by a threat hunter or a cyberthreat analyst in order to find hidden persistent threats inside an organization’s infrastructure. Abnormal events such as a connection to an unknown server, access to a sensitive process memory or a DLL injection are some examples of what a ...

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