
3 Results / Page 1 of 1



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Cybersécurité + Ransomware + Threat Sébastien Guisnet

Qu’est-ce que le Machine Learning et le Multi-Layer Zero-Trust et pourquoi les utiliser dans un EDR ?

Machine Learning and Multi-Layer Zero Trust, the winning combo for an efficient EDR. You’re maybe searching for your EDR (Endpoint Detection and Response). During the research of the perfect data and endpoints protection software, you may read a lot of scientific and abstract terms. In this article, we’ll uncover information ...

Execution of Corana Malware with Nucleon Smart Endpoint EDR


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Malware Sébastien Guisnet

Corona-Malware la nouvelle tendance pour voler vos données

This new malware (Corona-virus-Map.exe) masquerades as an application for monitoring cases of Coronavirus infections. This program is apparently a software allowing to visualize the infection map of Coronavirus, it is based on the official map ( bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6 ) by integrating browser viewing functionality as seen in the screenshot. But this [...]


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Cybersécurité + Ransomware Sébastien Guisnet

Living Off the Land or Filleless Attacks

What are Living off the land or Filleless attacks and why is it a real Cybersecurity issue? The different appellations  Targeted and non-targeted cyberattacks use different operating methods to achieve their ends. Among these operating modes we find attacks without files. These can have several names: fileless attacks zero-footprint attacks non-malware attacks [...]

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